Cheon Il Guk
![]() | Cheonju Pyeonghwa Tongil Guk [천주 평화 톤길 국] (the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity), or simply, Cheon Il Guk. The words Cheon Il refers to the singular reality encompassing both heaven and earth. Cheon Il Guk implies that two people unite and form a nation. (360- 086, 2001.11.12) |
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity
True Parents' Advent and the Era of True Parents
Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, should have obeyed God's commandment, "Do not eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil," and safely passed through the growing period. Had they done so, they would have become perfected human beings, then received the marriage Blessing as the first husband and wife and become the good ancestors of humankind.
However, Adam and Eve were unable to overcome Satan's temptation. While they were still in the growing period before they reached individual perfection, specifically at the completion level of the growth stage, they ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and committed the original sin. In doing so, they defiled God's lineage. As a result, Adam and Eve could not become the good human ancestors. Instead they begat evil descendants, who formed fallen families, fallen tribes, fallen societies, fallen nations and the fallen world. This brought about hell on earth and in heaven. This was something that God never intended.
To save fallen humanity, God sent Jesus as the Messiah to the Jewish people, whom He had chosen and prepared for 4,000 years. Jesus was God's only begotten Son and the Messiah, who was to fulfill the mission of the Second Adam. If the Jewish people had believed in Jesus and united with him, he would have chosen a woman from among them as the Second Eve to be his Bride. Together they would have received the marriage Blessing and become the first God-centered husband and wife and the True Parents of humankind. Thus they would have fulfilled the work of the providence of human salvation.
Jesus came as the Messiah, and his true significance was that he was the Second Adam. When his path was blocked midway due to the disbelief of the chosen people, God had to carry out the dispensation to send the Messiah again, this time as the Third Adam. The 2,000-year history of Christianity was a providence of spiritual salvation. The resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit led this providence by performing the workof rebirth. This work laid the foundation upon which humankind would welcome the Third Adam, the Messiah at the Second Advent.
The Returning Messiah will not descend from the sky; as in the time of Jesus, he will be born of a woman as a baby who is God's only begotten Son. Just as the Jews were meant to attend Jesus, Christians are meant to believe in and attend the Messiah at the Second Advent. The returning Messiah needs to uncover and clarify every detail behind how the first human ancestors came to commit the original sin. In so doing, he must reveal the identity of Satan and remove the root of sin. Then, the returning Messiah must prevail over the realms of the spirit world in a life and death struggle and finally bring Satan to voluntary submission. Based on this accomplishment, he must be recognized by countless leaders and founders of religious traditions as the returning Messiah, the True Father.
Moreover, the Messiah at the Second Advent needs to find the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, God's begotten Daughter who has been prepared as the fruit of the providence of salvation. When he receives her as his Bride, God's Will finally can take root on earth.
What has just been described is how, through the Messiah at the Second Advent, God will fulfill the providence of inaugurating the True Parents. For this purpose God enabled two people to be born on earth. Sun Myung Moon is the True Father; he is the Messiah at the Second Advent and the Third Adam. Hak Ja Han is the True Mother; she comes as the Bride of the Messiah at the Second Advent, the Third Eve and the embodiment of the Holy Spirit.
They were both born in Korea, a country with a long history, whose people have maintained its rich culture and traditions. The country's founding principle encompasses heaven and earth, "Benefit all humankind and transform the world with principles." It is a country that has long cherished peace, and its suffering people have revered God.
True Father was born on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month in 1920, in Jeongju, North PyeonganProvince. God raised him through his childhood and youth for His special providence. Then, at Easter time, when he was 15 years old, Jesus appeared to him and urged him to accept God's call to inherit the mission of the Lord at the Second Advent. For the next 12 years, he set out on a bloody path of suffering to clarify the truth. Finally he discovered the Principle of Creation, the Human Fall and the root of sin, human beings' portion of responsibility, and the principles underlying the providence of restoration through indemnity. He also unraveled the tangled course of the history of the providence of salvation.
God sent the Returning Lord as the central figure of the providence of restoration through indemnity. At the same time, He also conducted the providence to restore the Third Eve, who is to come as the spouse of the Returning Lord. Around the time of True Father's birth, a spiritual awakening began in Korea. True Mother’s father and mother also joined and became part of that movement.
True Mother was born on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month in 1943, at the home of her maternal grandparents' in Anju, South Pyeongan Province. True Mother grew up in a family with three successive generations of only daughters—her grandmother Jo Won-mo; her mother Hong Soon-ae(Daemonim), and True Mother—a family that believed that the Returning Lord would be born on earth. Spiritual recognition of True Mother included a blessing on her when she was just six years old, that she would become Heavens Bride. That blessing was given by the mother of Rev. Heo Ho-bin, of the Inside the Womb Church.
Shortly after Korea recovered its independence on August 15,1945, it was divided into North and South. True Father began his public ministry centered on Christianity in South Korea. Because of the disbelief of the prepared spiritual groups, True Father had to go to Pyongyang in North Korea, where he continued to witness. There, however, due to false accusations of the communist party and the jealousy of the established Christian churches, he was sent to prison. True Father ended up going twice through an indescribable path of suffering. Nevertheless, he was able to establish a victorious foundation of restoration through indemnity, both spiritually and physically, by the time he was released from the Heungnam Labor Camp during the Korean War.
Thereafter he headed south and finally, on May 1,1954, founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity in Seoul. In the year in which True Father reached the age of 33, he set the condition to indemnify Jesus' suffering life of 33 years. On that foundation, True Father made a new beginning with an Abel-type religious organization to carry the providence on behalf of Christianity.
After the founding of the Holy Spirit Association, many Christian believers who heard the words of the Principle that True Father introduced were moved and flocked to him. However, other Christian denominations felt threatened and redoubled their efforts to persecute him. Their false accusations even caused him to be imprisoned again. Despite these troubles, his followers came to have even firmer faith in True Father as the Messiah at the Second Advent. Their faith enabled him to set and fulfill the condition for success in bringing the providence of restoration to the completion level of the growth stage.
Hence, on April 11, 1960, 14 years after he began his public ministry following the liberation of Korea, he finally received his Bride. She was True Mother, whom God had specially raised and prepared to be the embodiment of the Holy Spirit while protecting her and keeping her separated from evil. On that day the Holy Wedding of the True Parents was held, which instituted the marriage Blessing. With it, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb foretold in Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation finally took place. That prophecy denoted the Holy Wedding of the Messiah at the Second Advent, when he would receive his prepared Bride, the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, and they would become the True Husband and True Wife.
That historic day opened the gate to the realization of the ideal of creation that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, had cherished since the very beginning. It ushered in the day when Adam and Eve, as originally envisioned at the time of Creation, could be manifested as True Parents. Finally, it became possible for humankind to receive the grace of rebirth, by which they can completely be rid of original sin.
In 1994, after True Parents had worked for 40 years with the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity to bring unity and restore through indemnity all the conditions necessary to bring Satan to submission, they founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to continue in its place.
Through the Family Federation, True Parents are proclaiming that the ideal world as originally intended at the time of creation will be built through the expansion throughout the world of ideal families, centered on the True Parents, who have come to earth as the true ancestors of humankind.
Through the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, which was held on January 13, 2001, and the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, held on June 13, 2006, True Parents dissolved God’s bitter sorrow by restoring His sovereignty over the cosmos. In this way they laid the foundation for the kingdom of God to take firm root on earth. Finally they established the 13th day of the 1st month by the heavenly calendar, in 2013, as the Foundation Day of the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity (Cheon II Guk).
In the final reporting prayer of his earthly life, 21 days before his Holy Ascension on the 17th day of the 7th month by the heavenly calendar (September 3) in 2012, True Father declared that the providence of salvation had been concluded. He instructed all blessed members to take on the mission of tribal messiahs who can represent their nations, and he proclaimed, "Everything is finished."
As True Father and True Mother together, True Parents perfected the dual characteristics of the incorporeal God in corporeal form. They are the models that humanity needs to emulate and learn from, by studying their lives, their teachings, the traditions they established and their achievements. True Parents are the original root. They are absolute, unique, without precedent, and they will never come again. True Parents' light will forever illuminate the world with the truth and love of God.
The Eight Textbooks
Rev. Moon: At Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, I wrote the following calligraphic precept, "The true, holy and virtuous Emperor of Cheon II Guk, reigning over the myriads of people and triumphant on all levels, begets generations of holy people living in peace and prosperity for whom everything goes well." You need to carry this motto in your heart as you lead your life. By now, even without anyone's help you should be able to know thoroughly the principles of heaven and earth and the formula for the course you need to follow in your life. Then you will not need any other textbooks. This is the ultimate level you need to reach. (533-011, 2006/07/18)
Link to:
1. Divine Principle
2. The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk: Cheon Seong Gyeong
3. Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Peace
4. True Family Gateway to Heaven
5. The Owner of Peace and The Owner of Lineage
6. Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
7. World Scripture
8. Family Pledge (Korean and English) ( )
Family Pledge (in English)
1. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by centring on true love.
2. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to represent and become central to heaven and earth by attending the Heavenly Parent and True Parents; we pledge to perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and on earth, by centring on true love.
3. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centring on true love.
4. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centring on true love.
5. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centring on true love.
6. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to become a family that moves heavenly fortune by embodying the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and to perfect a family that conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centring on true love.
7. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, through living for the sake of others, to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage, by centring on true love.
8. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the Era of Cheon Il Guk, to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, by centring on true love.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Development of the Family Pledge
Compilation of the Development of the
Family Pledge
Development of PLEDGE
according to the Advancement of the Providence From My Pledge to Family Pledge:
Pledge Of The Families
We families, the
center of the cosmos, brothers and sisters, vertically connected and flesh and
blood of the True Parents before the new heaven, pledge and swear, before the
True Parents to become worthy of possessing the glory of victors by maintaining
our position in responsible activities and by observing the family laws and
traditions decreed by heaven.
My Pledge
1. As the center of
the cosmos, I will fulfill our Father's Will (purpose of creation), and the
responsibility given me (for self- perfection). I will become a dutiful son (or
daughter) and a child of goodness to attend our Father forever in the ideal
world of creation (by) returning joy and glory to Him. This I pledge.
2. I will take upon
myself completely the Will of God to give me the whole creation as my
inheritance. He has given me His Word, His personality, and His heart, and is
reviving me who had died, making me one with Him and His true child. To do
this, our Father has persevered for 6000 years the sacrificial way of the
cross. This I pledge.
3. As a true son (or
daughter), I will follow our Father's pattern and charge bravely forward into
the enemy camp, until I have judged them completely with the weapons with which
He has been defeating the enemy Satan for me throughout the course of history
by sowing sweat for earth, tears for man, and blood for heaven, as a servant
but with a father's heart, in order to restore His children and the universe,
lost to Satan. This I pledge.
4. The individual,
family, society, nation, world, and cosmos who are willing to attend our
Father, the source of peace, happiness, freedom, and all ideals, will fulfill
the ideal world of one heart in one body by restoring their original nature. To
do this, I will become a true son (or daughter), returning joy and satisfaction
to our Father, and as our Father's representative, I will transfer to the
creation peace, happiness, freedom and all ideals in the world of the heart.
This I pledge.
5. I am proud of the
one Sovereignty, proud of the one people, proud of the one land, proud of the
one language and culture centered upon God, proud of becoming the child of the
One True Parent, proud of the family who is to inherit one tradition, proud of
being a laborer who is working to establish the one world of the heart. I will
fight with my life. I will be responsible for accomplishing my duty and
mission. This I pledge and swear.
The Family Pledge 1994
1. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to establish the Kingdom of God on earth and in
heaven, the original ideal of creation, by restoring the original homeland.
2. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to perfect the way of filial sons and daughters
in the family, patriots in the nations, saints in the world, and holy sons and
daughters in the cosmos, by dedicating ourselves to God and True Parents and by
becoming a central family that represents the cosmos.
3. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the
Three Great Kingships, and the Realm of the Royal Family.
4. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to fully realize the world of freedom, peace,
unification and happiness by creating one great family on the cosmic level,
which is God's ideal of creation.
5. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to strive daily for greater development toward
the unity between the spiritual world (subject) and the physical world
6. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to become an ideal family that multiplies God's
blessings to our surroundings, by being the family that represents God and True
Parents that can mobilize heavenly fortune.
7. Our family,
centered on true love, pledges to fully realize a world of shimjung culture
that is connected to the original blood lineage.
Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994
Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC
The Family Pledge 1996
1. Our family pledges
to seek our original homeland and establish the original ideal of creation, the
Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
2. Our family pledges
to represent and become central to Heaven and Earth by attending God and True
Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of filial piety in our family,
patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in
Heaven and Earth, by centering on true love.
3. Our family pledges
to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships, and the
Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.
4. Our family pledges
to build the universal family encompassing Heaven and Earth, which is God's
ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, unity, and happiness, by
centering on true love.
5. Our family pledges
to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the
physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
6. Our family pledges
to embody God and True Parents; we will perfect a family which moves heavenly
fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true
7. Our family pledges
to perfect a world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the
original lineage, by centering on true love.
Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day
40th Anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC
Headquarters 9-10-96
The Family Pledge 1998
1. Our family pledges
to seek our original homeland and establish the original ideal of creation, the
Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
2. Our family pledges
to represent and become central to Heaven and Earth by attending God and True
Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of filial piety in our family,
patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in
Heaven and Earth, by centering on true love.
3. Our family pledges
to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships, and the
Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.
4. Our family pledges
to build the universal family encompassing Heaven and Earth, which is God's
ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, unity, and happiness, by
centering on true love.
5. Our family pledges
to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the
physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
6. Our family pledges
to embody God and True Parents; we will perfect a family which moves heavenly
fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true
7. Our family pledges to
perfect a world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original
lineage, by centering on true love.
8. Our family pledges,
as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal oneness of God
and humankind in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute
obedience, thereby perfecting the realm of liberation of the Kingdom of God on
Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
Numbers one through
seven Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters 9-10-96 Number eight
added: Punta del Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
The Family Pledge 1999
1. Our family pledges
to seek our original homeland and establish the original ideal of creation, the
Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
2. Our family pledges
to represent and become central to Heaven and Earth by attending God and True
Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of filial piety in our family,
patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in
Heaven and Earth, by centering on true love.
3. Our family pledges
to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships, and the
Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.
4. Our family pledges
to build the universal family encompassing Heaven and Earth, which is God's
ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, unity, and happiness, by
centering on true love.
5. Our family pledges
to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the
physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
6. Our family pledges
to embody God and True Parents; we will perfect a family which moves heavenly
fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true
7. Our family pledges
to perfect a world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the
original lineage, through living for the sake of others, by centering on true
8. Our family pledges,
as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal oneness of God
and humankind in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute
obedience, thereby perfecting the realm of liberation of the Kingdom of God on
Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
Numbers one through
seven Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters 9-10-96
Number eight Punta del
Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
Number seven revised
to add "through living for the sake of others" in 1999
The Family Pledge 2002
1. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to seek our original homeland and establish
the original ideal of creation, the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by
centering on true love.
2. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to represent and become central to Heaven and
Earth by attending God and True Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of
filial piety in our family, patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and
divine sons and daughters in Heaven and Earth, by centering on true love.
3. As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, our family pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three
Great Kingships, and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.
4. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to build the universal family encompassing
Heaven and Earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of
freedom, unity, and happiness, by centering on true love.
5. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification
of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by
centering on true love.
6. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to embody God and True Parents; we will
perfect a family which moves heavenly fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to
our community, by centering on true love.
7. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to perfect a world based on the culture of
heart, which is rooted in the original lineage, through living for the sake of
others, by centering on true love.
8. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges, as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to
achieve the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love through absolute faith,
absolute love and absolute obedience, thereby perfecting the realm of
liberation of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true
Numbers one through
seven Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters 9-10-96
Number eight Punta del
Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
Number seven revised
to add "through living for the sake of others" in 1999
As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, added to each paragraph on November 9, 2002, Children's Day, Seoul
The Family Pledge 2004
1. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to seek our original homeland and establish
the original ideal of creation, the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by
centering on true love.
2. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to represent and become central to Heaven and
Earth by attending God and True Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of
filial piety in our family, patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and
a family of divine sons and daughters in Heaven and Earth, by centering on true
3. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the
Three Great Kingships, and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true
4. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to build the universal family encompassing
Heaven and Earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of
freedom, peace, unity, and happiness, by centering on true love.
5. As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of
the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by
centering on true love.
6. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to embody God and True Parents; we will
perfect a family which moves heavenly fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to
our community, by centering on true love.
7. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges to perfect a world based on the culture of
heart, which is rooted in the original lineage, through living for the sake of
others, by centering on true love.
8. As the Owner of
Cheon Il Guk, our family pledges, as we enter the Completed Testament Age, to
achieve the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love through absolute faith,
absolute love and absolute obedience, thereby perfecting the realm of
liberation and the realm of being completely free, in the of the Kingdom of God
on Earth and in Heaven, by centering on true love.
Numbers one through
seven, Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters September 10, 1996
Number eight, Punta
del Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
Number seven revised
to add "through living for the sake of others" in 1999
As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, added to each paragraph on November 9, 2002, Children's Day, Seoul
Number 2 revised to
add "a family of".
Number 8 revised to
add "and the realm of being completely free, in the" February 4,
2004, Korea.
The Family Pledge 2006
1. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the
Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by
centering on true love.
2. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to represent and become central to heaven and
earth by attending God and True Parents; we pledge to perfect the dutiful
family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation,
saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth, by
centering on true love.
3. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the
Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true
4. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing
heaven and earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of
freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true love.
5. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification
of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by
centering on true love.
6. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to become a family that moves heavenly fortune
by embodying God and True Parents, and to perfect a family that conveys
Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true love.
7. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, through living for the sake of others, to
perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the
original lineage, by centering on true love.
8. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the Completed Testament Age, to
achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute
faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of
liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven,
by centering on true love.
Numbers one through
seven, Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters September 10, 1996
Number eight, Punta
del Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
Number seven revised
to add "through living for the sake of others" in 1999
As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, added to each paragraph on November 9, 2002, Children's Day, Seoul
Number 2 revised to
add "a family of". Number 8 revised to add " and the realm of
being completely free, in the" February 4, 2004, Korea Re-translation by
FFUWP International February 2006 (Published in the USA September 2006)
Family Pledge 2013
1. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the
Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by
centering on true love.
2. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to represent and become central to heaven and
earth by attending the Heavenly Parent and True Parents; we pledge to perfect
the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in
our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and on
earth, by centering on true love.
3. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the
Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true
4. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing
heaven and earth, which is the Heavenly Parent's ideal of creation, and perfect
the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true love.
5. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification
of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by
centering on true love.
6. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to become a family that moves heavenly fortune
by embodying the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and to perfect a family that
conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true love.
7. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, through living for the sake of others, to
perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the
original lineage, by centering on true love.
8. Our family, the
owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the Era of Cheon Il Guk, to
achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute
faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of
liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven,
by centering on true love.
Numbers one through
seven, Seoul Korea, 1 May 1994 – The Commemoration Day 40th Anniversary of the
founding of HSA-UWC Re-translated by HSA-UWC Headquarters September 10, 1996
Number eight added,
Punta del Este, Uruguay, God's Day, January, 1998
Number seven revised
to add "through living for the sake of others" in 1999
As the Owner of Cheon
Il Guk, added to each paragraph on November 9, 2002, Children's Day, Seoul
Number 2 revised to
add "a family of". Number 8 revised to add " and the realm of
being completely free, in the" February 4, 2004, Korea Re-translation by
FFUWP International February 2006 (Published in the USA September 2006)
Change "God"
to "the Heavenly Parent" in numbers 2, 4 and 6 -- change
"Completed Testament Age" to "Era of Cheon Il Guk" in
number 8. (February 9, 2013)
Family Pledge Is the
Bone Thought of the Unification Church True Father's Words in July, 2002
What is the bone
thought of the Unification Church? It is the Pledge centered on the family.
When you recite the Family Pledge, you have to understand and practice it
without mind and body's struggling. Did you accomplish this, or not? . Why did
we make the Family Pledge? To find true love and to meet and attend God in our
families. (at East Garden on July 17, 2002)
This time I explained about the
bone thoughts of the Unification Church, didn't I? They are the Family Pledge,
the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship, the Rally for the Unification and Complete
Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Resolution by
representatives of the five great religions in the spirit world. . If you can
attain one of the Family Pledges, you can enter into the Heavenly Kingdom. (at
East Garden on July 29, 2002)
Importance of the Family Pledge (From "True
Family and Family Pledge" Japanese version pp.41-53)
The Family Pledge is
a record extracted from a core teaching of how to make a family centering on
the Principle. Knowing it, you have to recite the Family Pledge before your
prayer, and you have to check situations of yourself and your family. If it is
not like the Family Pledge, you have to correct it as soon as possible. You
have to realize it. In the past, we recited My Pledge, didn't we? What is it now?
In a future, Nation Pledge and World Pledge should also emerge. (260-305)
Pledge was extracted as a main point of the Principle of Restoration, so you
have to live centering on this pledge every day, wherever you go. In the Family
Pledge, the most important thing is True Love. True Love. What is True Love? If
you offer your mind and body as offerings in front of God, He will give it back
to us more. If not, there is nothing to be given back. When we offer ourselves
with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, God will stand in
front of us and the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and in heaven will come true
after our action. (285-297)
When we pledge in the
providence, we pledge as a family, not as an individual now. A family is a root
of everything, so we pledge as a representative of a family. Father represents
their family, and mother also represents their family. Sons and daughters also
represent their family. First, mind and body have to unite into one, and next,
husband and wife become one. Third, children become one. Why? Human beings lost
God in the Garden of Eden. Then, we lost the individual, the family and
children. We have to restore this. So, when we recite Family Pledge, our mind
and body have to become one, and husband and wife have to become one. Then,
children have to become one. (267-146)
The Unification Church
became Family Federation for World Peace and Unification after the 40-year
wilderness course. It is necessary to decide on absolute rules or a
constitution. That constitution is the Family Pledge. The word "Family
Pledge" emerged for the first time in the history. Family Pledge means to
seek and complete the Heavenly Kingdom. When we read the Family Pledge
carefully, it liberates a family completely after restoration by indemnity. So,
those who recite Family Pledge are not people who belong to the fallen world,
but people who entered the realm of the completed family. By making a family
with true love, mind and body, which were divided by false love, unite into
one. Without the unity of mind and body, we cannot recite the Family Pledge.
In the Unification
Church, we proclaimed Family Pledge. Fallen people cannot recite the Family
Pledge. Eight verses of the Family Pledge include the phrase "by centering
on true love." What does this mean? This means that the Family Pledge is
recited on the foundation that there is no connection with Satan's world. Why
does the Family Pledge include true love? It is because we are now in the
original world without any trace of the fall which occurred in the Garden of
Eden. (263-194)
There is no concept of
enemy in the Family Pledge. It pursues completely an individual's spiritual
attitude. The Family Pledge is this kind of thing. There is no concept of
enemy. There is only the concept of love. It is like a pillar of the Heavenly
Kingdom on earth, and is the basic formula to create the Heavenly Kingdom on
earth. (295-245)
(Compiled by Winny Cayme 2016 Nov 24th)
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